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Overall architecture


The overall structure of this demo is shown in the figure.

Note: The registry nacos and database mysql that the application depends on are not shown in the figure.

There are 2 units:

  • center: center unit
  • unit: ordinary unit

There are 4 applications in total, according to the distance (call link) of the end user from near and far:

  • gateway: Multi-active gateway, which distributes user traffic
  • frontend: frontend application, accept user requests, and return after requesting actual data
  • product: product application, providing three services:
    • product List: General Service
    • product Details: Unit Service
    • product order: central service, relying on inventory application
  • storage: storage application, for ordering service to deduct inventory

For the sake of simplicity, the gateway is only deployed in the center, and the rest of the applications are deployed in each of the center and unit.

The green grid in the figure represents the call link of this request.

Quick Start


This demo requires the following software to be installed

  • docker && docker-compose
  • curl

note: this demo contains many applications,please adjust your memory settings to avoid failures; only x86 supported


  1. Run sh in the appactive-demo module to start all applications
  2. Bind hosts:, and then visit to see how it works
  3. Run sh in the appactive-portal module to switch flow. It should be noted that the writing-forbidden rules of this demo are hard-coded. If you want to change the range, you need to calculate the writing-forbidden rules and the next-routing rules, and then execute the flow switch.

If you plan to stop the experience, you can proceed: cd appactive-demo -> docker-compose down

Build From Source


  • as mentioned above


  1. Enter appactive-gateway/nginx-plugin dir and build image: docker build --build-arg UNITFLAG=center -t app-active/gateway:0.2.1 .
  2. Enter appactive-demo module, and then run maven-build command to get all the jars
  3. Run sh 2 in the appactive-portal module to push the application baseline
  4. Run sh in the appactive-demo module to start all applications and gateway
  5. Run sh 3 in the appactive-portal module to push the gateway baseline
  6. Bind the local host:, visit the browser to see the effect
  7. Run sh in the appactive-portal module to cut the flow. The cut flow commands is: ./ It should be noted that the write prohibition rules of this demo are hard-coded. If the user wants to change the cut flow range, he needs to calculate the write prohibition rule and the next routing rule by himself, and then execute the cut flow.

Modules Experience



  1. In appactive-portal, run sh 2
  2. build all jar needed
  3. run java application

     java -Dappactive.machineRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit/machine.json \
     -Dappactive.dataScopeRuleDirectoryPath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit \
     -Dappactive.forbiddenRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit/forbiddenRule.json \
     -Dappactive.trafficRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit/idUnitMapping.json \
     -Dappactive.transformerRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit/idTransformer.json \
     -Dappactive.idSourceRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/frontend-unit/idSource.json \
     -Dappactive.unit=unit \ \
     -Dio.appactive.demo.unitlist=center,unit \
     -Dio.appactive.demo.applist=frontend,product,storage \
     -Dserver.port=8886 \
     -jar frontend-0.2.1.jar
  4. test

     curl -H "r_id:2" -b "r_id=3"
     routerId: 1
     curl -H "r_id:2" -b "r_id=3"
     routerId: 2
     curl  -b "r_id=3"
     routerId: 3
     routerId: null



  1. in appactive-portal module, run sh 2
  2. in appactive-demomodule, run nacos
     cd dependency/nacos && sh
  3. in appactive-demo module, run mysql

     cd dependency/mysql && sh
     # then enter container
     docker exec -ti appactive-mysql bash
     # import data
     mysql -uroot -pdemo_appactiive_pw product < /root/init.sql
     # exit
  4. build all the jars and run

     java -Dappactive.machineRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit/machine.json \
          -Dappactive.dataScopeRuleDirectoryPath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit \
          -Dappactive.forbiddenRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit/forbiddenRule.json \
          -Dappactive.trafficRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit/idUnitMapping.json \
          -Dappactive.transformerRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit/idTransformer.json \
          -Dappactive.idSourceRulePath=/Path-to-Appactive/appactive-demo/data/storage-unit/idSource.json \
          -Dappactive.unit=unit \
          -Dspring.datasource.url="jdbc:mysql://" \
          -Dserver.port=8882 \
     -jar storage-0.2.1.jar
  5. test

     routerId 1 bought 1 of item 12, result: success
     routerId 4567 bought 1 of item 12, result: machine:unit,traffic:CENTER,not equals 


Visit nginx-plugin


The building process of Dubbo demo is too complicated,we suggest using demo in “quick start”:

  1. first of all, modify rules in frontend-center, so that frontend-center would route request to the wrong unit

     cd data/frontend-center
     vim idUnitMapping.json

    the rules are as follows

       "itemType": "UnitRuleItem",
       "items": [
           "name": "unit",
           "conditions": [
               "@userIdBetween": [
           "name": "center",
           "conditions": [
               "@userIdBetween": [
  2. run test

     curl -H "" -H "r_id:2499" 
     # you can see error logs as follows  
     [appactive/io.appactive.demo.common.service.dubbo.ProductServiceUnit:1.0.0] [detail] from [] is rejected by UnitRule Protection, targetUnit [CENTER], currentUnit [unit].)

because we modified rules, so that frontend-center would route request of routerId 2499 to unit. however,request like this should be routed to center, so provider in unit would deny such request.

Rule description


After running all applications, we ran and actually did the following things:

  • Push rules to other applications through file channels
  • Push rules to gateway through http channel

The rules include

  • idSource.json: Describes how to extract routing labels from http traffic
  • idTransformer.json: Describe how to parse the routing mark
  • idUnitMapping.json: Describe the mapping relationship between the routing mark and the unit
  • machine.json: describes the attribution unit of the current machine
  • mysql-product: describe the attributes of the database

Switch flow

Mainly do the following things when switching flow:

  • Build new mapping rules and banning rules (manually)
  • Push new mapping rules to gateway
  • Push banning rules to other apps
  • Wait for the data to tie and push the new mapping relationship rules to other applications

Note that the new mapping relationship is the target state you want to achieve, and the prohibition rule is the difference calculated based on the target state and the status quo. Currently, both of these need to be manually set and updated to the corresponding json file under appactive-portal/rule, and then run ./