Change Log
The first open source version is released:
- Multi-live core rule model. Define multiple core components such as computer room and traffic
- The gateway plug-in is released to support traffic analysis, machine marking, routing rules, routing transparent transmission and other capabilities
- Release of microservice plug-in, support routing transparent transmission, multiple active service attribute strategy, error correction and protection capabilities
- Message layer component API definition release
- Data layer components released to support data protection
- Basic Demo and Portal
- Customized router id extraction rules
- Add unit service protection for RPC(Dubbo)
- Lightweight demos and “quick start”
- Jars published to maven repo
- [Feature] Join SpringCloud ecosystem and add Feign and RestTemplate support for RPC (Ribbon-based LB)
- [Feature] Rule and channel decoupling and a brand new nacos channel
- [Feature] Documentation site and demo site