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Change Log



The first open source version is released:

  1. Multi-live core rule model. Define multiple core components such as computer room and traffic
  2. The gateway plug-in is released to support traffic analysis, machine marking, routing rules, routing transparent transmission and other capabilities
  3. Release of microservice plug-in, support routing transparent transmission, multiple active service attribute strategy, error correction and protection capabilities
  4. Message layer component API definition release
  5. Data layer components released to support data protection
  6. Basic Demo and Portal


  1. Customized router id extraction rules
  2. Add unit service protection for RPC(Dubbo)
  3. Lightweight demos and “quick start”
  4. Jars published to maven repo


  1. [Feature] Join SpringCloud ecosystem and add Feign and RestTemplate support for RPC (Ribbon-based LB)
  2. [Feature] Rule and channel decoupling and a brand new nacos channel
  3. [Feature] Documentation site and demo site